*The Law Offices of Craig A. Altman does not offer any guarantee of case results. Past success in litigation does not guarantee success in any new or future lawsuit.
The Law Offices of Craig A. Altman will help you seek monetary compensation for:
Hospital bills can be overwhelming, particularly if your accident caused brain & spinal injuries or other serious injuries. Reimbursement for medical bills is an essential part of recovery in an injury case.
Serious injury to your neck and/or back may require years of medical attention and exhaustive physical therapy.
Recovery for lost wages is essential. In addition, you could be entitled to income continuation.
A personal injury case must be filed within a certain period of time as per PA law. A personal injury lawyer can explain what is called the “statute of limitations” in detail. Basically, the statute of limitations on personal injury cases in Pennsylvania is two years from the date of your injury.
After this time has passed, you may be barred forever from bringing a claim. Additionally, your insurance company might require you to provide a statement within 30 days of the accident. Our Pennsylvania personal injury attorney will make sure all necessary documentation for your case is filed in a timely fashion.
The Law Offices of Craig A. Altman is proud of the reputation it has built successfully negotiating and litigating for clients who have suffered personal injuries due to someone’s negligence.
Learn more about this personal injury law firm, the legal team, and its verdicts and settlements. An experienced attorney is what you will need and want if you seek to obtain maximum compensation for your injury case.
From the time you accept an Uber trip to the time you exit the Uber vehicle, you are protected by a million dollars in commercial liability insurance, which includes a million dollars in uninsured motorists coverage in case the Uber driver gets into a car accident and PIP insurance. Uber calls this best-in-class coverage, and I have to agree. It is great that they protect their drivers and riders this way. According to its website, Lyft offers a similar million-dollar coverage plan.
Uber and Lyft also protect the drivers through this and provide $1 million in liability coverage while drivers are on a trip or en route to a passenger.
According to their website, Uber conducts a multi-state, federal, and county criminal background check on all of their drivers. Also, Uber claims to review their driver applicant’s driving records before they are approved in the Uber system and continue to monitor driving safety records on an ongoing basis.
But each accident is different, and there that coverage is limited. So if you are involved in a car crash involving Uber or Lyft, speak to an experienced car accident lawyer right away.
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