Understanding Your Rights As a Car Accident Victim in Philadelphia

A car accident is a harrowing, traumatizing experience, leaving victims with physical injuries, emotional trauma, and financial burdens. It’s crucial for victims of car accidents in Greater Philadelphia to understand their rights when navigating this complex legal landscape to ensure they receive rightful compensation for their suffering. 

If you or a loved one were involved in a car accident in Philadelphia, Chester, Coatesville, Media, Norristown, Upper Darby, West Chester, or beyond, the skilled and seasoned personal injury team at the Law Offices of Craig A. Altman stands ready to fight for you, your rights, and your future. Our team is committed to advocating for victims of car accidents, demanding rightful compensation for the harm and losses they have suffered. We’re ready to start fighting for you today.

1. Your Right to Medical Treatment

As a car accident victim, you have the absolute right to seek immediate medical attention. Addressing your injuries not only safeguards your health but establishes a crucial link between the accident and your injuries should you choose to pursue legal remedies.

2. Your Right to File a Police Report

In Philadelphia, it is mandatory to file a police report for accidents resulting in property damage exceeding $1,000, injury, or death. However, you have the right to a police report even after minor car accidents. It’s important to ensure that the report is accurate and includes essential details, as it is valuable evidence.

3. Your Right to Insurance Benefits

Pennsylvania has a no-fault insurance system, meaning your own insurance company will cover your medical expenses regardless of who was to blame for the accident. However, you may also have the right to pursue a personal injury claim against the negligent party for further compensation.

4. Your Right to Fair Compensation

If the accident was the result of someone else’s negligence, you have the right to seek more than just insurance benefits. You have the right to demand compensation for various damages including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage. An experienced attorney can help you determine which parties are liable and ascertain the true monetary value of your case. 

If you move forward with a personal injury claim, insurance companies will often try to undervalue your claim, diminish your pain, and settle quickly to minimize their costs. However, you have the absolute right to reject offers that don’t address the entirety of the harm you have suffered and negotiate for a fair settlement. An attorney can help you relentlessly pursue a settlement and maximize your compensation.

5. Your Right to a Trial

While most car accident cases are settled out of court, you have the absolute right to tell your story before a judge and jury if you cannot reach a fair settlement through negotiations. An experienced attorney can help you maximize your odds of success.

6. Your Right to Skilled and Seasoned Legal Representation: the Law Offices of Craig A. Altman

The Law Offices of Craig A. Altman understands the devastating impact of a car accident in Greater Philadelphia. We’re ready to help you navigate the complex aftermath of a car accident. Our skilled and seasoned team is committed to safeguarding your rights and relentlessly pursuing your rightful compensation. From negotiating with insurance companies to taking your case to court if necessary, we stand by you every step of the way.

If you or a loved one were involved in a car accident in Pennsylvania or South Jersey, trust the experienced personal injury team at the Law Offices of Craig A. Altman to provide comprehensive, client-centric service, fighting tirelessly for just compensation. Contact us today or call us at (856) 327-8899.

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